Regular dental cleanings and exams keep your mouth healthy

Regular Dental Cleanings & Exams

A dentist's primary goal is to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy, and routine dental cleanings and exams are the best line of defense against bacteria that lead to serious dental problems. Explore the benefits of a routine dental cleaning and exam below.

Prevention of Tooth Decay

One of the main benefits of visiting the dentist for a professional teeth cleaning is the removal of plaque that leads to tooth decay. When bacteria make their home in the ridges of your teeth, a cavity forms, causing tooth decay. A dental cleaning and exam every six months keep your teeth clean and bacteria free year-round, preventing tooth decay.

Gum Disease Prevention

Gum disease occurs when inflammation caused by bacteria takes root in your gums. Gum disease left untreated starts off as bleeding, sore gums, which can lead to tooth loss, loss of jawbone density & more. A dental exam and cleaning help your dentist identify the early signs of gum disease and quickly prescribe a treatment to address it.

Preserving Natural Teeth

The best set of teeth are the ones you already have. Natural teeth play a fundamental role in functions such as chewing, speaking, and maintaining facial structure, which is why keeping natural teeth healthy is so important. A dental cleaning and exam are the best way to keep your natural teeth healthy.

Cost-Effective Prevention

Dental care can be costly, which makes preventive dentistry so important. Visiting the dentist every six months will help keep your oral health on track and avoid more costly procedures like a cavity repair, tooth extraction, dental crowns & bridges & more.

Fresh Breath

Who doesn't love a clean fresh mouth? A regularly scheduled dental cleaning will remove plaque on your teeth that contributes to bad breath and eventually cavities. Our hygienists also floss thoroughly to dislodge food that can lead to smelly breath.

Early Detection of Oral Issues

In dentistry, an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure. During routine dental exams, your dentist looks for signs of potential dental issues to head them off before they become major dental problems. At Pinnacle Dental, we also screen our patients for signs of oral cancer, because the best prognosis for oral cancer is early detection.

Schedule Your Next Dental Cleaning & Exam at Pinnacle Dental

Dr. Kottman and her team work hard to create an inviting environment that will help you relax and be comfortable. Our skilled dental hygienists will get started with dental X-rays, a thorough cleaning and flossing, and an initial exam to look for potential trouble spots. Dr. Kottman will examine your mouth and determine if there are any issues that need further dental treatment. We offer flexible scheduling and are conveniently located in Grove City. If you are looking for a new dentist or have been avoiding the dentist altogether, call our office today or schedule an appointment online to get your oral health back on track.